Meal Time Fail

Meal Time Fail

I was chatting to a friend who mentioned in passing what she was making for dinner tonight. It sounded delicious, I had all the ingredients, and I had meal envy (and nothing else planned). I decided to do the same meal, it was something different – but not completely...
Being considerate without catering

Being considerate without catering

Tonight, we had chicken stir-fry and rice. It is not Mr 4’s favourite dish. I know that if I serve him this meal the same as everyone else there is a high chance he will not eat anything. I’m no short-order cook and there’s no way I’ve got the...
How long should kids stay at the dinner table?

How long should kids stay at the dinner table?

I have encountered a huge range of situations with families doing all sorts of things to keep their children at the table – some working well and some not so much. Every child and family is different, so I ask you two questions to help you decide: What is your...
It’s Not Always About the Food

It’s Not Always About the Food

Master 7 got a glimpse of what was on offer for dinner before it was even served and declared he wasn’t eating it. It was my version of homemade butter chicken served over rice and a side of fresh strawberries… This meal isn’t his favourite, but it is usually...
In your child’s shoes at mealtimes

In your child’s shoes at mealtimes

The day I didn’t eat my mushrooms… One day my partner cooked me breakfast which should have been all kinds of wonderful, except it wasn’t. I wasn’t hungry. I was tired and grumpy. And I didn’t like the mushrooms. Me: “Did you cook...
The Truth About Super Foods and Wonder Diets

The Truth About Super Foods and Wonder Diets

Quite commonly I find myself frustrated by stories in the media by health “experts” selling the idea that any particular food or style of eating has miraculous health benefits. The hairs on the back of my neck also tend to stand on end when I hear people talk about...
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