An Aussie Dietitian’s take on Halloween

by | Last updated Jan 3, 2024 | Exploring Food, Feeding Kids

Love or hate it, Halloween is upon us again. For some, Halloween may seem to be an unnecessary celebration here in Australia. A night where kids load up on as many sweets and lollies as they can possibly manage whilst they really have no idea what Halloween is about. And just a few short weeks before Christmas… Really?

On the other hand, you may be all for the fun that Halloween creates for kids and adults alike. Who doesn’t like a good dress-up, right?

This year, I’ve decided to embrace the good and turn the rest into an opportunity to teach my daughter some great lessons about food and life.

Origins of Halloween
The festivities of Halloween (All Hallows Eve) are celebrated on 31st October. It was arguably first celebrated in Gaelic Ireland and Scotland, but today is celebrated in many countries throughout the world that each have their own distinct Halloween traditions. My cousin, who grew up in Scotland, tells me that Scottish tradition holds that children sing a song or tell a joke in order to get the “treat”. More a “trick FOR a treat” rather than “trick or treat”. In Scotland, it’s not just a matter of knocking on someone’s door and diving into the sweet bowl. I like that!

A positive spin on Halloween
Good old-fashioned fun
Seriously, what better excuse for the whole family to get to dress up and look silly?

Halloween traditions vary across the world. Why not take the opportunity to explore some of these and perhaps create some of your own?

Fun family time
Halloween, decorating your house, carving an enormous pumpkin, or trick or treating can be a family event.

Learning how to stay safe
Halloween provides a perfect opportunity to teach personal safety and road safety to small children. Have a responsible adult chaperone young children at all times.

Get to know your neighbours
Say hi to your neighbours and share a laugh over who’s the scariest! Throw a party with neighbours or family and use food to celebrate. Home-made ghostly pizzas or monster fruit salad anyone?

Teach children to take one or two items at each location, not a handful!

Managing the lolly stash
If your kids are intending to trick-or-treat, support age-appropriate responsibility for kids to manage their sweets stash. Provide opportunity for children to enjoy their stash, while providing structure so that nutrition is not undermined. When your children arrive home from-trick-or- treating, allow them to sort their stash and eat as much of it as they want. Then put it away. After the evening of Halloween has passed, allow children to eat from their sweets stash at mealtimes (you decide the portion) and snack times (as much as they are hungry for) along with other everyday food. Keep the sweets stash out of reach in-between meals.

Learn about food, satiety and our body
Halloween is a brilliant opportunity for kids to tune into their bodies. If your child eats too much and ends up with a tummy ache, what a great learning experience! With kindness, discuss with your child what they might do next time to avoid that uncomfortable or sick feeling.

Aussie Halloween etiquette
Leaving your front lights on in the evening of 31st October is a sign that you’re participating in Halloween celebrations. If you’d prefer not to partake, be sure to switch off. If you’re trick or treating, never knock on doors that are shrouded in darkness and respect everyone’s right to celebrate or not.

Alternative ways to celebrate
Halloween doesn’t need to be just about trick or treating and sweets.

Decorate your house, carve out an enormous pumpkin and scare trick or treaters with your cool costumes as they arrive.

Get the kids to help you make some fabulous sweet-free Halloween treats or pack some home-made Halloween-themed snacks in your child’s lunchbox.

Wishing you a fun-filled spooky evening!

Eat Happy!

Deb Blakley
Accredited Practising Dietitian & Director

About the Author

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Deb Blakley, Accredited Practising Dietitian
Kids Dig Food ®
Deb Blakley, Founder, Director and Lead Accredited Practising Dietitian of Kids Dig Food®, is a Paediatric Dietitian with 25+ years of diverse experience and is recognised for her expertise in providing neurodiversity affirming, weight neutral and trauma-informed care for children with complex needs and their families. Deb is passionate about supporting parents, carers and educators to positively & joyfully connect or reconnect with food & eating and share this with the children in their care.
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